2/3/13; 8:29:46 PM by davewiner Version 2.74 -- halftime feature Include "created" in the atts display at the bottom of the screen. Instead of viewing the long GMT-based date, use the viewDate routine we use in the Open command table, more user-friendly. 2/3/13; 4:38:16 PM by davewiner Version 2.73 new + icon Creates a new headline down from the BCH it has no subs or they aren't expanded, or to the right if they are. prompts you for the text of the headline. this is a guider feature for people on desktops, and a realizer for people on tablets. buttons in ask dialog are uniform size, 80 pixels wide as in other dialogs. tried out multiple-select. works as advertised. will make a huge difference in utility. 2/3/13; 3:47:18 PM by davewiner I've been playing around with what a presentation preview might look like. http://modalwithwebpage.blorkmark.com/ If you have any ideas how to make it look better... Enjoy the game and go Niners! :-) 2/3/13; 1:11:29 PM by davewiner Kyle, something to put on your list. A call to give me OPML for the BCH and its subs. As if it were an outline itself. I want to use this to pass off a rendering job to a server. Basically to have the BCO be a parameter to a RPC. BCO == Bar Cursor Outline. 2/3/13; 12:34:47 PM by davewiner Version 2.72 fixed up dialog sizes prefs dialog atts dialog handle Return key in the Username dialog. Also button size in the Username dialog. 2/3/13; 12:15:27 PM by davewiner My first programming language was FORTRAN, on punched cards. My second language was Simula 67 -- and I was bitching and moaning about the lack of GOTOs. I agree about privacy and outlines. That's going to require several "features" and something of a re-think. But it's important. You did have a change-note about the collapse attribute. And it's important to close the loop on stuff like that. And no harm at all in doing it twice! :-) I worry about these things and until I hear it's been taken care of, I don't stop worrying. So thanks for taking care of it and thanks for letting me know. Could you do a review of how I start up now? There was a little bit of guessing in there, and it seems to work. But the way the code is arranged, it's worse than GOTO statements in FORTRAN. Way way way before your time. :-) 2/3/13; 9:42:58 AM by davewiner Kyle, I sent you a copy of trex.root via email. 2/3/13; 9:30:53 AM by davewiner Version 2.71 Don't autosave if opGetTitle () returns undefined. Kyle, please verify that this is a good way to determine if the outline has not been set up yet. I'm guessing it is because I can now see when it's trashing the outline. I get a tooltip saying "Saving undefined." I figure I should not be doing that. :-) Note that in order to autosave, opHasChanged () must be true. 2/3/13; 9:23:20 AM by davewiner Version 2.70 New flow of control on startup. After initializing, reading the cookie, setting up the backgroundProcess script, we call a new ajax server routine, validateUser. If it returns "true" we go ahead and set up the outliner with the previously open outline. If it returns "false" we put up a username/password dialog. When the user enters a username and password we go through the validation dance again, and repeat until we get a valid combination. It's tricky code, for me especially, because I'm not used to this flow -- but I'm getting used to it. But we have to really check this for breakage. I'd rather not be chasing down bugs in this flow from now until forever. :-) This will also allow me to address the autosave problem where we're saving an empty outline over one that's not empty. I think it's just a synchronicity issue -- we're saving something before it's set up. I'll check to see if the title is undefined before saving. That'll be in the next version. Also the dialogs are mis-shapen -- because I started cleaning up the CSS. I don't think it'll take very long before they're back in the proper shape. 2/2/13; 4:13:54 PM by davewiner Questions Right now all outlines are public. The OPML is stored in publicly accessible buckets on S3. The outlines are visible through the worldoutline. Is this good? Should we have a private mode? Or should they be private by default? What should a user see if they aren't logged into a worldoutline server? Is there any way to gray out menu choices? We have a problem in that our menu commands and keystrokes don't flow through the same code. I handle menu commands separately from some of the keystrokes. This should be cleaned up so we have a chance of controlling the UI depending on what the user can do. What bugs are we not finding because neither of us are using the product in some mode? 2/2/13; 12:04:49 PM by davewiner Figured out how to keep users in the loop without creating a horribly complex editorial system. We should have a river tab in Concord, which is news about the product. Or maybe a button they can press that pops up a river. Then all we need two worknotes sites, one for you and one for me. And the river is the combination of both our worknotes flow, thru RSS. Simple. Be careful -- there's a bug in autosave. It will sometimes save an empty outline over one that isn't empty. I've lost a lot of "work" this way. But since I'm not really using Concord yet for real work, it hasn't hurt me. You are -- so be careful! :-) Read-only outlines are really interesting How different is a read-only outline from the blog posts on scripting.com? Think of Concord as a reading environment as well as a writing environment. Archived January I/O posts. 2/1/13; 7:47:52 PM by davewiner Version 2.69 Fluid layout. Company name. White space. About button. I call this the "bligleveler" release. Don't ask why. I'll check in later, may do a little work after dinner. TTFN. 2/1/13; 6:45:41 PM by davewiner Thanks, I understand. How would you do it? Suppose I wanted to add a second outline to Hello Outliner. What would it look like? What would I have to change? 2/1/13; 6:30:27 PM by davewiner Kyle, we need to figure out how to have more than one outline on a page. However we do the I/O stuff, we will need to do that. Probably using tabs somehow. Look at this page for inspiration. http://tabs.mediahackers.org/?panel=dave 2/1/13; 6:15:44 PM by davewiner Version 2.68 New Toggle Comment command in the Outliner menu. Autosave no more often than once per ten seconds. Add to menu: Cmd-[ for promote, cmd-] for demote. (The keystrokes are already handled by the outliner.) Add View Blog command to the Blog menu. 2/1/13; 6:00:55 PM by davewiner I think we have to try to get our testers on something like the I/O -- integrated in the UI of concord. 2/1/13; 6:00:14 PM by davewiner Kyle, seems to work well. Did you have to hack it up or was it straightforward? 2/1/13; 4:09:24 PM by davewiner There's another possibility for fixing the look of the wordpress text. I added classes to all the text, and with those classes you could do all the formatting I described. Maybe they give the user access to styles. I'll check. They have a CSS stylesheet editor, but it's $30 a year to save the styles. Probably worth doing. Much cheaper than adding rules. :-) I'm going out for a bit... 2/1/13; 3:30:01 PM by davewiner Not sure where they're coming from. Right now that's not my highest priority. And they're so visible, it won't be hard to remember to look for them. But look how crappy the text looks. That's an important puzzle. the outline 2/1/13; 3:16:38 PM by davewiner Worth looking at this post. http://concordtest.wordpress.com/2013/02/01/sports-and-teams-8/ That's the best we can produce with concord right now, with the tools we have. 2/1/13; 12:57:47 PM by davewiner No issue with // used to delimit a comment. Just use the chevron in place of the wedge, the same way OPML Editor does. I can explain next time we talk on the phone. I'm taking a break now.. 2/1/13; 12:51:14 PM by davewiner Kyle, this is something for your list -- whenever it fits into your work flow. It's hard to click on the first or last character of a headline. Say I want to position the cursor at the very end, so I can type another sentence. Or right at the beginning to add a word or two. 2/1/13; 12:26:26 PM by davewiner Version 2.67 when saving the status message shows in the tooltip this is supposed to feel natural, because you clicked in that icon. or if you didn't, the operation certainly is associated with the icon (and it showing up there might be a hint for some that it's another way to save). not sure if this is the way i want it to work, but i'll leave it like this for a while. refresh atts display after saving a blog post to show the new value of ctsaves, and possibly other atts. indentation via ul with special styles The top level heads in a wordpress posts are in

s. Subsequent levels are

  • s contained within a